AquaVision Engineering offers specific consulting in the field of scour and erosion at hydraulicstructures. Examples are scour formation in natural rock or plunge pools downstream of high-headdams, or also erosion, abrasion and/or destruction of concrete linings of energy dissipationstructures such as stilling basins, spillway chutes, etc.Dr E. Bollaert co-organized the International Workshop on Rock Scour at EPFL, Switzerland in 2002and edited the work "Rock Scour due to High-Velocity Falling Jets", Swets & Zeitlinger, TheNetherlands. He has almost 20 years of experience in scour and erosion at hydraulic structures and is thedeveloper of the Comprehensive Scour Model (CSM, 2002), a completely physically basedengineering model to estimate scour formation at dams and hydraulic structures. One of the major advantages of this model compared to other engineering approaches is itscapability to predict scour formation as a function of time and intensity of flood events. The modelis applicable to any kind of fracturable medium, such as rock, clay, concrete, blockworks, etc. SInce 2002, AquaVision Engineering has applied the CSM to several real-life scour problemsworldwide, mainly in the Middle East, United States, Australia and Europe. It may actually beconsidered as the most advanced dam foundation scour model readily available for practicalengineering. Beside scour at dams, we also offer services on scour and erosion of channels, bridge piers andriver banks.